Mr Khazim (and a large number of spinal surgeon members of the British Association of Spinal Surgeons) would like to enter all surgical cases in the British Spine Registry. This is to collect information about spinal surgery across the UK. This would help to find out which spinal operations are the most effective and in which patients they work best. This will hopefully improve patient care in the future.

The Registry will allow patient outcome to be assessed using questionnaires. These will allow surgeons to see how much improvement there has been from treatment.

Your personal details allow the BSR to link you to the surgery you had. They also link together all the questionnaires you complete. If you need any further spinal surgery in the future, details of previous operations will be available to your surgeon.

Your personal details are treated as confidential at all times and will be kept secure. Personal details will be removed before any data analysis is performed, retaining only age and gender. Your personal data will not be passed to any other organisation